Monday 28 January 2013

Plenty of inquisitions.

It's so easy to just start writing this although there is an exam about preparing to fail. Was going to start a new blog, but why not let you see my flaws, fears and biggest conflicts in my mind before everything became positive? Of course. Fed up of myself now, just want to post how I see the world, no matter how awfully written. XD

Happy new year! (A little late.)
Naturally, you'd expect everyone to 'Change' or desire to because a new year has just begun. Why does a day define when you're going to actually do something? But the amount of people who have actually stuck to their goal is startling, I applaud you all!

Getting the strength to try something new is something you all experience. Those nerves shivering your spine, stomach turning inside out. Until its actually over and you're glad you experienced something new, regardless of the outcome. If everyone could get over this fear we would all be perfect human beings, no doubt about it. But perfection is boring. Overrated. You may be thinking....but no. Confidence doesn't subtract nervousness, fears and hopes. To reach your goal, you will always be trying new things. 

'Do we construct ourselves purely through environmental factors?' Is a question which frequently runs through the mind of many, both the young and the old. Is life simply about finding what was already there, or creating yourself based on norms and values society smothers us with? It's very difficult to have expansive knowledge about everything you actually WANT to know. Do you ever feel intimidated by someone who 'Knows more' than yourself?
Unfortunately you will never know everything about life, your questions will remain unanswered and passed down through generations. But the faith lies in that there will always be an answer out there somewhere, however vague. 
These cloudy ideas are what guides most people through life. 
Information capacity does not necessarily mean more power, although arguably it is about how one chooses to use this combined with their ability. Exploit every opportunity that the world offers you, as you may not be offered another. Ever. 
Social sciences are a great deal less concise than pure science- the answers you're looking for may be vague or answered by the wrong people. Do they really provide necessary explanations for the actions of society? Do institutions really serve the purpose they are outlined to fulfill? Our purpose is undefined and if so, why is there so much stigma about certain things. You can't pursue what you dream of directly, without the safety blanket of a back-up plan. 
How did you decide your political views? That's something I'm having difficulty with, as I often do not fully agree with either. Left, unsure of how left but not right. Consumer but a libertarian.  Many young people are in the predicament of being unable to have as large a voice in politics as they should. Does anyone find it rather confusing that history is compulsory in schools but politics isn't? Although we could take an obvious guess at why this is.

Following the publishing of this blog post, I have promised myself to actively learn about cultures, policies etc. Not for any simple sake, just so I become a more well-rounded individual. 

Picture below is my political stance, answer to get your results!

Monday 26 November 2012

Something different :)

I usually don't think this sentimentally about things but today I was genuinely thinking deeply about things in life and 'Love' was one of those things that popped up. Whenever I think of the idea of love, there's a range of things which cross my mind. Family, friends and of course partners. Being teenagers, we always wonder whether what the future holds for us, especially in terms of love. I'm always rather hesitant when trying to talk with people about this. It may be the immaturity in me, but there are genuine reasons that make me think that romanticism is not all it's cracked up to be. It doesn't mean I don't disbelieve. But how do we explain people who numerously re-marry and claim to be 'in love' each time? In general I'm a firm believer that not everyone has a soulmate and we're just people who find others interesting. The interest builds and this leads into a partnership with them. As ignorant as that sounds, my mind isn't creative enough to imagine a blissful story in which two people are able to confidently ignore the harsh realities of the world and focus on themselves and their love as individuals.

 When I type 'Love' into google, it reads "Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment". This sounds about right....but I wouldn't know. Can't we be attached to people without that strong affection? I want to believe in love, I am a big fan of rom-coms and I love cute cringey moments of people together. Watching people together is always interesting and as I always say, there is a VERY thin line between love and hate and a very small time lapse. I don't know whether it's sad or quite odd that human emotions can become imbalanced in a matter of seconds.

How do you fall out of love? Once you've fallen in, it must be pretty damn deep. In metaphorical terms, I always think of love as being like a giant hole and the stronger your emotions become the more it becomes difficult to climb out. Except in this case, the hole is colourful and bright and full of hope.

How do you explain dating sites? Advertising to find your 'Perfect partner'? I hate the internet for allowing things like this, because I believe 'Love' should be natural if it exists in it's true form. I mean, I shouldn't talk so soon. Many adults use these after their relationships/marriages end but I personally don't agree with them.

The whole point of this random blog post was that my friend got me thinking whether there is actually someone out there for everybody. No two people are the same, but some people are definitely perfect for each other.

Friday 23 November 2012

Up and up?

 In terms of maturing and developing myself, I have had a rather great 
past two weeks. The two weeks were in great contrast to each other, and 
showed each aspect of my personality well. I always hesitate to use the 
word 'Personality' whilst describing myself because I'm not too sure 
what mine is. I mean I know my interests, hobbies, friends but I'm not 
entirely sure on the true state of mind I have. 
Regardless, I hope it sounds like I'm moving in a positive direction 
by each blog post because that is my main aim. This blog is a startling 
reflection of my confidence levels, which are beginning to emerge 
again after being in the shadows for the past few years. It's weird 
because I'm only 17 yet I always feel much older than I actually am. 
Last week was a week of mistakes for me. Not just one, two or three- 
numerous mistakes which I felt personally persecuted by. It doesn't 
bother me in that someone would get angry at me. The worst feeling 
for someone to have in me is disappointment because I feel that 
too and further feel disappointed in myself. It was also a week 
of great and worse achievement, in terms of personal and academic 
goals. Sometimes I get nervous and stress at small mistakes I've 
made but in making so many I've realised that I just need to 
embrace them and move on. Staying focused on past mistakes 
only keeps you paused in the game of life. 

I'm finally starting to feel like the main person in my life. 
Fair enough, I'm not showy and don't like drawing attention to 
myself but I think I assert myself in the right way. One thing 
I love about myself is that I can change drastically in a few 
hours. Some people think that's strange, but am I living life 
to please them? No I'm not. I only get one go. No re-do. 

I'm thoroughly happy, and only small things stand in the way 
of me being truly happy in life. Those are small things. 
When things aren't going right, I need to try harder. When 
things are going right, I need to be thankful for 
everything fate hands me. 

Because I know one thing could change everything. 

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Never been happier :)

This post really doesn't need any other explanation except the title... Just a random update. Mainly cos I have nothing better to write.

So byeeeee (:

Friday 21 September 2012

Just watching..

I've had a rather odd couple of weeks but I guess things like this strengthen your personality and make you feel much better about yourself. Today I just simply sat for a number of minutes, on my own in the middle of town. 
- Watching people.
-  Everyone. 
-  Looking at their appearance, behaviours and tendencies.  

 People are all so different. It's weird to think that many of these people are often followers and not particularly unique. But when you see them as a singular- you see that they are different in their own right. No two people are the same and they never will be. Well the point I'm trying to make here is that we're all strange and we should certainly embrace this before it's too late. Don't let your decisions be clouded by someone else. Decisions are there for you to make. As someone who is rarely influenced and with an absence of personality, if you also feel like this don't let others create who you are.

Don't under estimate the power people can have on you.

Monday 10 September 2012

Awareness Day 2012

Although this is not relevant to me atall, today is an important day for some people around the world. The day where they reflect on the lows in their life and how well they have come out of it. Suicide is one of the leading causes in deaths of 14-25 year olds, and more awareness needs to be raised of this. Before you make an insult, remember the effects it could have after.

Taking me for example; You could call someone fat, although they've worked hard and almost lost two stone and dedicate their life to working harder and ultimately being thin. All people want is to be loved. Not hated. Love is simple. Hate is not. If you hate someone, you clearly go out of your way to make their life a misery. 

It's almost the anniversary of  Jamey Rodemyer's death, next week which was something which could have been easily prevented. Bullied for being openly bisexual. Those people who called him names, hurt him and sent him tweets are responsible for his fate. RIP Jamey, much much love <3. Just remember, be thankful for your life.

Be thankful for your health and people around you. 

Of course you are loved.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

I'm sky high..

Don't ever get complacent with what you have achieved because there is always someone out there who has got more than you.
NOT possession wise, however in terms of self fulfilment and dedication to dedicating themselves to making themselves the best they can be. There is no perfect person. We are all the best individually, unique and no two people are exactly the same. The world would be boring otherwise. If you feel like your life is not worth living, just remember your absence WILL affect at least one person and things do actually get better for people. I'm not talking about suicide (Only partially) but every aspect in life which involves walking away from someone or something that you love. 'Strive to make yourself perfect in your eyes'. If you are happy within yourself and with those around you, you don't need much more in your life.

Surround yourself with people who are important, and value your presence in their life. Whilst that isn't always possible, be as honest and open as possible. If you're like me and you find it difficult to make new friends, don't focus on that. Focusing on negatives within yourself outweigh the positives and you will not feel fulfilled as a person. Regardless of your weight, height, personality, race and sexual orientation, if somebody is a friend they are so. Do not question friendship. A common misconception is that friendship requires friends to know everything about one another. Not true. It may feel like a relief to tell out one of your secrets, but one day those secrets could go public.

'I'd trust you with my life' is something I often see two best friends say to one another. Let's be honest now, you wouldn't trust anyone with your actual physical life, and if you did you'd end up regretting it. Friendship is for now and don't ever feel pressured to fit in and make friends and go against the crowd. Being 'uncool' and going against the majority is what I especially seem to be good at. And it's great. Don't ever feel like you should conform to what people around you want. Even your family. They may say they only 'Want what's best for you'.

Only you truly know you.

And you're perfect, so keep working towards your goals x